Command Line Interface =========================== The elevator comes with a bundled script which you can use to elevate STIX 1.x content to STIX 2.x content: .. code-block:: text usage: stix2_elevator [-h] [--missing-policy {use-extensions,use-custom-properties,add-to-description,ignore}] [--header-object-type {report,grouping}] [--custom-property-prefix CUSTOM_PROPERTY_PREFIX] [--infrastructure] [--acs] [--incidents] [--package-created-by-id PACKAGE_CREATED_BY_ID] [--default-timestamp DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP] [--validator-args VALIDATOR_ARGS] [-e ENABLED] [-d DISABLED] [-s] [--message-log-directory MESSAGE_LOG_DIRECTORY] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [-m MARKINGS_ALLOWED] [-p {no_policy,strict_policy}] [-v {2.0,2.1}] [-r] file stix2-elevator v4.1.7 positional arguments: .. code-block:: text file The input STIX 1.x document to be elevated. optional arguments: .. code-block:: text -h, --help Show this help message and exit --missing-policy {use-extensions,use-custom-properties,add-to-description,ignore} Policy for including STIX 1.x content that cannot be represented directly in STIX 2.x. The default is 'add- to-description'. --header-object-type {report,grouping} What STIX 2 type to use to store extra information from the STIX 1 package header.The default is 'report'. --custom-property-prefix CUSTOM_PROPERTY_PREFIX Prefix to use for custom property names when missing policy is 'use-custom-properties'. The default is 'elevator'. --infrastructure Infrastructure will be included in the conversion. Default for version 2.1 is true. --incidents Incidents will be included in the conversion. Default for version 2.1 is true. --acs Process ACS data markings Default is false. --package-created-by-id PACKAGE_CREATED_BY_ID Use provided identifier for "created_by_ref" properties. Example: --package-created-by-id "identity--1234abcd-1a12-42a3-0ab4-1234abcd5678" --default-timestamp DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP Use provided timestamp for properties that require a timestamp. Example: --default-timestamp "2016-11-15T13:10:35.053000Z" --validator-args VALIDATOR_ARGS Arguments to pass to stix2-validator. See Example: --validator-args="-v --strict-types -d 212" -e ENABLED, --enable ENABLED A comma-separated list of the stix2-elevator messages to enable. Not to be used with --disable. Example: --enable 250 -d DISABLED, --disable DISABLED A comma-separated list of the stix2-elevator messages to disable. Not to be used with --enable. Example: --disable 212,220 -s, --silent If this flag is set, all stix2-elevator messages will be disabled. --message-log-directory MESSAGE_LOG_DIRECTORY If this flag is set, all stix2-elevator messages will be saved to a file. The name of the file will be the input file with extension .log in the specified directory. Note, make sure the directory already exists. Example: --message-log-directory "../logs". --log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL} The logging output level. -m MARKINGS_ALLOWED, --markings-allowed MARKINGS_ALLOWED Avoid error exit, if these markings types (as specified via their python class names) are in the content, but not supported by the elevator. Specify as a comma-separated list. Example: --markings-allowed "ISAMarkingsAssertion,ISAMarkings" -p {no_policy,strict_policy}, --error-policy {no_policy,strict_policy}, --policy {no_policy,strict_policy} #deprecated The policy to deal with errors. The default is 'no_policy'. -v {2.0,2.1}, --version {2.0,2.1} The version of stix 2 to be produced. The default is 2.1 -r, --ignore-required-properties Do not provide missing required properties Refer to the :ref:`warning_messages` section for all stix2-elevator messages. Use the associated code number to ``--enable`` or ``--disable`` a message. By default, the stix2-elevator displays all messages. The --enable and --disable arguments cannot be used at the same time. When a message code is not specified in the --enable option it will not be displayed. When a message code is not specified in the --disable option it will be displayed. If the number of messages codes to be both enabled and disabled are both large, it is sufficient to just specify the shorter one. Note: disabling the message does not disable any functionality.